Transylvania Apartments

3 Dec

A corking business: wine-ing it up in Romania and Bordeaux

Are you one of those drinkers who find the concept of wine appreciation and wine tasting intimidating, or purchase bottles based on the picture on the label or the price, rather than the taste? To assess the bouquet of this intoxicating business, Business Review talked to two specialists, both Romanian, one active at home and the other in Bordeaux, France.

Many industries are increasingly capitalizing on travel experiences, putting their products on the tourism map. Wine tourism experiences are intensively advertised and more and more people are signing up. Some go just for the fun of it, whereas others intend on becoming professional connoisseurs. What’s more, the experience itself doesn’t cost a fortune and can offer a fun and informative outing, especially if you find a passionate sommelier to explain everything from the manufacturing process to the chateau stories behind the brand.

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